New Beginnings
blog 5 year birthday
I fell into the world of blogging over five years ago, or more it caught me, with open arms during a time in my life when I needed something, something to take my mind of how much I hated my body, how much I felt I had failed at my life. Dramatic I know, but true. I was in pieces and starting a blog helped fix me back together. Finding a place where I could fit in, a place where I could learn how to appreciate my body and accept myself for who I was, was all I ever wanted and when I got it, it felt so good. Every time I wrote a post about fashion, or about what it meant to navigate my life as a plus size woman and someone commented to offer appreciate or to say they could relate, I felt like I had a purpose. After time my blog became something more that just for me it started to become something for others. What started as me documenting my journey to confidence developed into a space for women who looked like me to join me on the same path. Underneath photos I dared to post in a bikini on the beach, were comments from women to say that they felt inspired to do the same, and this chain of self confidence began. People in my personal life started to notice a change in me, and then brands began to notice me too.
What started on the sofa of my rented student flat developed into something I now call my career. From the corners of the Curve has given me opportunities I would never of dreamed of. If you told me then that in 5 years I would be signed to a modelling agency, flown across the world to shoot in major campaigns or be the first ever plus size fashion columnist for Marie Claire in the U.K. I would have laughed at you. Growing up I convinced myself I would never be successful if I was fat and yet documenting my life as plus size woman is what has be brought me the most success. This blog did that, it made me feel I had purpose, and took me out of the darkest time of my life.
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But as with everything, all things good must come to an end, and, after five wonderful, fulfilling years I decided it was time to say goodbye to From the corners of the Curve. Over this last year I started to feel uninspired by my content and in turn I began writing here a lot less. Most people started to forget I even had a blog and within the industry I began to be just recognised as myself, so naturally the move to felt right. I am so proud of how far this blog has come and I am excited for what is to come next. Whilst I can't promise things might change aesthetically here (because I am the most indecisive person on the planet) one thing is for sure, I am sticking around and I will be trying my best to give you more of the content that you have asked for.
5 year blogging birthday
On a final note if I don't say it enough thank you. Thank you, so very much, for all your support over these last five years you have no idea how much you as readers of this blog have changed my life. You and I started as strangers to each other, and whilst we may never meet in person I want you to know how much you have impacted my life simply by clicking and reading this blog. I am a better person because of you, I am able to do something I really love because of YOU. For that I will always be grateful.
So, welcome to my new site, have a browse around, and make yourself comfortable, hopefully we can see another five years through together.
All my love
Callie xoxo