Comfortable Love
Christy Personalised Robes
Netflix flat lay
It’s Valentine’s Day and whilst I wouldn’t call myself a die hard romantic there’s no denying I love to celebrate my love. In fact this the tenth Valentines that Dan and I are spending together and each year we do enjoy getting all mooshy and lovey dovey together, because why the hell not? The way I see it, the world is so full of bad stuff that it doesn't hurt to spend one day appreciating the good. Every day on the news there is a terrible story of death or devastation and it can make even the most positive person in the world feel like there is no hope. Whilst I appreciate Valentine’s Day is a commercially created concept, designed entirely to create profit, it’s one I am not too mad about.
valentines day pizza robes
Personally I see nothing wrong with celebrating something as beautiful as Love.
Love is wonderful and it doesn’t have to be romanticised or glamorised to mean something.
This year, Dan and I decided to sack off going out for dinner or having a date night at the cinema in favour of Netflix and Chill. One because I have been dying with an awful viral infection and the thought of getting dresses made me want to die. And two because snuggling in bed with a pizza and film on Netflix was way more appealing than spending money on an overpriced bottle of wine in a bouji restaurant. To me romance is more than that the typical 'valentines ideal' we a sold and I believe showing you love someone doesn’t have to mean over spending.
For me romance is someone running you a hot bath when you are feeling poorly and hanging your bath robe on the heated rack so it's all toasty when you get out.
It’s ordering pizza for takeaway even when you don’t like pizza all that much but you know it’s your significant other’s favourite.
Sometimes it’s wearing sexy lingerie and lighting candles
and other times it’s cuddling up in bed in your pants dosed up on flu tablets and still having your partner kiss you with your snotty nose
It doesn’t always involve extravagant gifts, huge bouquets or over the top displays of love for it to be romance and I would take comfort and our kind of love over that any day
Thank you to Christy for our gorgeous personalised Mr and Mrs Robes and for working with me to bring you this post today. (*Sponsored Post) Check out some of Christy gorgeous home products